24 Hours at Busch Gardens

Have you seen those 24 hour challenges on YouTube? Well, I did a 24 hour challenge where I stayed in Chuck-E-Cheeses for a very long time. But, there is a challenge I did... and I barely made it out alive... Trust me on this one, I've been to Busch Gardens around Williamsburg (I live in Williamsburg of course), but AGAIN, like I said, there is a challenge that almost cost me my life.
It was summer break, and me and my friends from high school decide to do a 24 hour challenge, so, how about a 24 hour challenge in Busch Gardens? A YouTuber had already done a 24 hour challenge on an amusement park. But this time, we thought we'd do the challenge, INSIDE, the park. We thought it was a cool idea, so we head to Busch Gardens around daytime. When it was time to close, we decide to hide in the bathroom stalls inside the Festas House. When it was time to come out, we went through multiple areas: France, Italy, England, and Ireland. We tried to get on the rides, but the machines won't start. We needed a key. We got bored, but the sites and wonders kept us at awe. We were already at 10 minutes till the break of dawn, so we had time.
But, we saw one of the Security guards walk around the entrance of Germany with a flashlight.
"Fuck!" We thought, "I think they saw our cars!"
We ran down Germany and head to the Curse of Dark Kastle ride. There we hid for another hour. Two guards were walking down the castle hallways, we can tell cause of their footsteps draw near. Our hearts were pounding in our chests, we didn't want to get thrown out or be put behind bars. But we decide to go out and head to Italy. We went to the Devinci's Cradle ride and head up to the control room. If your on Devinci's Cradle and you see a person inside that room through a window, that's where we went to. I looked, and saw a piece of paper on the desk. It was something that will haunt me for the rest of my life. It was a message from the owner of Seaworld!
"It took hours to make sure Loch Ness Monster was complete. But we'll make sure it's 'SAFE' for the guests. And when I mean 'SAFE', I mean make it worse. Make them know what 'intensity' is and never forget it. If they want something new, we'll give them something new. They'll have it rammed up their asses, up to their filthy little necks. They want new things, I'M the owner of Busch Gardens, not THEM. Oh, and one more thing... make it look like an accident. I don't want a million dollars going down the crapper. None of us do."
Our hearts sank. And that's not all. There was a tape next to the letter. We grabbed it, put it in my back-pack and got the hell out of Busch gardens, before security caught up to us. As we ran down the railroad tracks from under the bridge from Italy to Festa Italia, to our cars in the parking lot. We drove as fast as we could down the highway. We never looked back through our rear-view mirrors.
As we got to my house, we locked the doors and shut the blinds. We watched the tape upstairs, and THIS, is what we saw...
We didn't go to sleep that night, we were scared of what they'll do to us if they saw the tape missing. I wanted to type this down as a warning to ALL of you out there. Never, EVER, try the 24 hour challenge at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. There are things beyond comprehention that you'll never understand. It's for the best that the 24 hour challenge will never be done. And as for the tape we found, it's still at my house. I kept it in my closet along with my other homemade CD's.
Feel free to try the 24 hour challenge at Busch Gardens, but beware the sites and wonders. They may look fun. But it's to DIE for.